It's time to end once and for all the rampant speculation. Sony doesn't want any info to leak but I'm told that both star Tobey Maguire and director Sam Raimi will be returning to make Zodiac screenwriter Jamie Vanderbilt's script of Spider-Man 4. Sources tell me that Sony has recently locked in both veterans of Spider-Man 1 through 3."Spider Man 3" made some good bucks ($336 million domestic) so another Spidey film was inevitable, but many people thought that it was the weakest of the three Spidey movies to date, and I agree. Having three villains was too much, Venom was handled terribly, although I thought Topher Grace was fine as Eddie Brock/Venom. There was some great action sequences in #3, but over all they tried to do too much and the movie got bogged down by all the multiple story lines. What needs to be done, is Raimi needs to go back to what made the first two movies work so wonderfully. Have one, just ONE villain, but this time make him merciless, even more so than the Green Goblin in #1. Sandman was too sympathetic a character to be a true bad guy. Even as great as Doc Ock was in #2, he was not pure evil, I really think Spidey needs to have an adversary that is purely evil. In all 3 films, Spider Man has not had to kill anyone. In #1, he gets out of the way of the glider and the Goblin dies by his own hand, in #2, Doc Ock sacrifices himself, in #3 he lets Sandman go and Eddie Brock dies in the explosion of the Goblin bomb which Peter was trying to get him away from. Spider Man needs to be forced into a life or death situation, because he has never really faced that. Raimi is capable of making great Spider Man movies, as seen by #1 & #2, and #3 was not truly horrible, but compared to the first two it was weak because the bar was set so high with #2. I have not lost faith in Raimi and Co., one stumble does not mean it's over for Spider Man, but # 4 & 5 had better be just as good as the first two were, or else we may wave bye bye to Spidey for a few years. At least until they (and I really, REALLY don't like this overused word) "reboot" it.
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